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Late Menstruation Is Not Always Associated with Pregnancy

Late menstruation can indicate pregnancy, but there are still other causes besides pregnancy which can make menstruation late, generally a hormone factor. Menstrual irregularities can be a normal condition if they occur in the early menstrual period or when entering menopause. Women generally begin menstruation at the age of 10-15 years. Because it's the first time menstruation, hormones need to adapt so that menstruation becomes irregular. This condition can last for two years. Similarly, when just menopause at the age range of 45-55 years. Normally, women get their periods every 21-35 days. If you do not experience menstruation in this time period, consider the following factors that might be the cause.
  • Abnormal weight

  • Excessive weight loss or low weight can cause irregular periods. Similarly, the state of body weight is too low or obese. Asian population weight can be said to be normal if the body mass index (body mass index / BMI) is at 18.5-22.9. BMI is obtained from weight calculation (kg) per height squared (m) 2. If your weight is not normal, you are encouraged to undergo a healthy and balanced diet coupled with regular exercise.
  • Take a contraceptive pill

  • This can also cause irregular periods, allowing you to experience late menstruation. This is because the contraceptive pill contains the hormones estrogen and progestin which hold the ovaries to release eggs. In addition to the pill, other types of contraception such as implants or injections can also cause menstrual irregularities. If you have not used contraception, it usually takes up to six months to return to the normal menstrual cycle. Not only contraceptive pills, some types of drugs also have side effects that can affect the menstrual cycle, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and chemotherapy drugs.
  • Prolactin levels are too high

  • Like when women are breastfeeding, can also cause late menstruation, and even stop menstruation in this period. Signs of excessive levels of the hormone prolactin can be seen from the discharge, such as milk from the nipple, whether you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or both.
  • Stress

  • Stress can affect hormones and even the part of the brain responsible for regulating menstrual periods. Prolonged stress can trigger illness or sudden changes in body weight, whether in the form of an increase or decrease. These conditions in turn will disrupt the menstrual cycle. If you feel stressed, try to relax. Changing your lifestyle to be healthier with a good diet and regular exercise can also help restore the menstrual cycle.
  • Certain medical conditions

  • Like ovarian syndrome (PCOS), overactive or inactive thyroid gland, and chronic diseases such as diabetes can also affect the menstrual cycle. Ovarian syndrome is thought to arise due to hormonal imbalance. Symptoms include multiple cysts in the ovaries or ovaries and irregular or irregular menstruation. Meanwhile, an overactive or underactive thyroid gland also affects the menstrual cycle. This is because the thyroid is in charge of regulating the body's metabolism which will have an impact on hormone levels. Along with the thyroid treatment, menstruation can return to normal. Hormonal changes are also linked to changes in blood sugar. That is the reason people with diabetes whose blood sugar is not controlled can experience irregular menstruation.
Menstrual conditions should not be left too long. Once you realize that you haven't had your period in three months, see your doctor immediately to find out the possible cause. It is important to write down your menstrual cycle in your personal health record.


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