Although normal, prolonged and unresolved anger has a relationship with several health problems. Diseases such as high blood pressure, depression, heart disease and anxiety disorders, you can experience if you are not good at managing anger in a healthy way.
Anger is a feeling that can occur when you feel frustrated, hurt, upset, or disappointed because of something or someone. The way you deal with anger can help, or vice versa can also hurt you. If we have the right way to recognize and express anger, this condition can help deal with emergencies, maintain good relationships, or even solve problems. But if left unchecked, anger can make you stricken with various diseases.
Anger and health
When angry, the nervous system triggers various biological reactions one of which is releasing the hormone adrenaline which makes the heart rate and breathing faster, and increased sweat production. In addition, the levels of the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) and blood pressure also increase, the pupils enlarge, and may experience sudden headaches. This allows us to react quickly, but can also make us not think straight and do something that might be regretted later. Anger that is very and not resolved or prolonged can cause health problems such as high blood pressure, anxiety attacks, depression, heart disease, respiratory problems, headaches, slowing the healing process of wounds, and digestive problems. Anger can also affect social relationships, work, or make you have problems with the law (such as committing crime, physical harassment, and violent behavior).How to Reduce Anger
Anger is a normal and healthy form of emotion. But don't be too angry. It is recommended to deal with anger in a positive way and control it by doing the following:Regulate breathing and positive thinking
When you start to get angry, take a deep breath of the diaphragm and repeat the words "relax" or "calm" slowly until the anger subsides. Or count from 1-10 to give you time to calm down and think more clearly.
Think before you speak
When the heart is hot, it's easy to say something that might be regretted. Calm yourself to gather thoughts before saying anything.
Express anger
After calm down, vent your anger with a firm but not confrontational. Express what you feel clearly and directly, without hurting others. Or discuss your feelings with friends, maybe this can help you get a different perspective.
Find out the reason why you are angry
There is always something that underlies anger, the key is to find the trigger. Remind yourself that anger won't fix anything, and maybe just make things worse.
Don't hold grudges
If you let anger and other negative feelings build up in your chest, you might sink into those feelings. But by forgiving people who make you angry and ultimately forgive yourself, you can be free from the pressure of negative feelings and maybe be able to learn from the events that you experience.
Sports or physical activity
Physical activity can help reduce stress which can cause anger. If you feel anger increasing, try walking to get some fresh air, do yoga, or spend time doing physical activities and sports that you enjoy. Besides sports, you can also write, play or listen to music, dance, or paint.
Laugh to release stress. Use humor to help deal with what makes you angry. Avoid satire-satire or throw inappropriate sentences because it can hurt other people's feelings and worsen the situation.
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