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How to treat thrush in the tongue

The emergence of thrush on the tongue can certainly interfere. Sprue can cause discomfort, pain and pain in the mouth, to the decreased ability to feel. This condition will certainly bother you when eating and drinking. Thrush can be caused by several things. Medical conditions such as aphthous stomatitis (canker sores), stress, diabetes, HIV infection, cancer, smoking, side effects of certain drugs, side effects of chemotherapy, sores on the tongue, and hormonal changes during pregnancy are some of the causes of canker sores (ulcers) ) on the tongue. But in addition to the above conditions, thrush on the tongue can also occur due to infection in the mouth caused by fungus, and is known as oral thrush. These canker sores can be recognized by their shape which looks like whitish sores. Not only on the tongue, canker sores can also arise on the inside cheeks, gums, tonsils, to the back of the throat.

The use of antifungal drugs for thrush in the tongue

Generally canker sores that are not caused by fungal infections can improve on their own in a few days to 2 weeks. But if mouth ulcers are caused by a fungal infection, antifungal drugs will be needed to stop the growth of the fungus. The drug can be in the form of tablets and liquid medicine. One of the oral thrush options is the antifungal drug clomatrizole, in the form of chewable tablets which are left soluble in the mouth. In addition, there are also antifungal drugs nystatin. This drug is used as a mouthwash that is left in the mouth some time and then swallowed. If the above medications cannot help, your doctor may prescribe fluconazole or itraconazole. This drug is also usually given to people with HIV / AIDS who suffer from fungal infections in the mouth. When babies who are still getting breast milk (breast milk) exposed to thrush on the tongue, then treatment in the form of antifungal cream is also given to the breast of the mother. This is to prevent recurrent infections. Sprue on the tongue should get treatment from a doctor, especially if it doesn't get better or the exact cause is unknown.

Sprue Treatment in the Tongue Independently at Home

The following ways can be done alone at home to help ease the pain due to canker sores on the tongue, how to:
  • Brush your teeth twice a day

  • This is done to maintain oral hygiene. If necessary, use dental floss or dental floss once every day. Frequently replace the toothbrush when exposed to fungal infections. Avoid sharing your toothbrush with other people, even your own relatives or partners.
  • Do not use mouthwash or spray

  • This is to avoid the growth of normal oral flora, unless recommended by a doctor to overcome certain conditions.
  • Gargling with salt water

  • Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water. Then gargle for a few moments and discard. You can gargle with salt water several times a day.
  • Drink plenty of water

  • If canker sores hurt when you drink, then use a straw.
  • Choose foods that don't need to be chewed much

  • For example, soft foods, gelatin, and ice cream.
  • Unsweetened yogurt

  • To restore the level of good bacteria in the body, consume unsweetened yogurt that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, or can also be taken in capsule form.
  • Limit your intake of sugar and yeast-containing products

  • Like bread, beer, and wine that can encourage the development of mushrooms.
Do not underestimate canker sores on the tongue, especially if it is annoying and does not improve. Consult a doctor for further treatment.


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