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Tapeworm infections in the Human Body Can Arise Unconsciously

Tapeworms can enter anyone's body and cause infection. Tapeworm infections are more likely to occur in conditions where environmental sanitation is poor, and consume foods that are not processed properly. Recognize the symptoms of tapeworm infections and how to overcome them. Tapeworms are also known as Cestodes. Its body is flat textured, resembles a ribbon and has segments on its body. Adult tapeworms can reach 25 meters in length and live within a span of 30 years. Eating food or water containing tapeworm larvae or eggs is a cause of tapeworm infection. Tapeworms can also enter the human body through consumption of beef, pork and fish that are not cooked until cooked. Tapeworm eggs that enter the digestive system can hatch, causing intestinal infections. Meanwhile, tapeworm eggs that make their way out of the digestive tract can enter the body's tissues or other organs, causing infection and forming a worm-filled sac at that location.

Recognize Symptoms

In the body of patients with intestinal infections due to tapeworms, the head of the tapeworm will stick to the intestinal wall, while parts of the body continue to grow and produce eggs. Generally, intestinal infections due to tapeworms are relatively mild. However, worm infections that migrate out of the digestive tract, can lead to more dangerous complications. Often people who get intestinal infections due to tapeworms do not feel any symptoms. Some of the symptoms that can occur when you have tapeworm infection in the intestine include nausea, abdominal pain, weakness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, weight loss, and problems in absorption of food nutrients. Meanwhile, symptoms of tapeworm infection in other parts of the body may arise due to damage to organs and tissues where the tapeworms move from the digestive tract. Symptoms can include fever, the emergence of a lump or cyst, allergic reactions, shortness of breath, to symptoms of neurological disorders such as headaches, seizures, and coma if tapeworm infections spread to the brain.

Identification and How to Overcome It

Infection caused by adult tapeworms can be identified from feces that contain eggs or tapeworm body parts. Characteristics include white, small size like rice grains, and sometimes moving. To determine the diagnosis, the doctor needs to do a physical examination and review the area around the anus to look for the presence of tapeworm eggs or larvae. Fecal analysis is often needed in the laboratory if it is suspected to have tapeworm infection. This stool examination will probably need to be done 2-3 times. Other investigations to confirm tapeworm infections can also use X-rays, ultrasound, CT-scan, MRI, and blood tests. Generally the treatment of tapeworm infection is by administering a drug worm killer in the preparation of drinking tablets. This medicine will eradicate tapeworms, and the worms will be removed along with feces. If tapeworms are large, chances are the patient will experience stomach cramps during the process. After treatment is complete, your doctor may again recommend a stool examination to ensure that the tapeworm is completely dead. One type of drug that is widely used for tapeworms is praziquantel. In addition, drugs that can also be used to eradicate tapeworms are albendazole and niclosamide. Which medication the doctor will give, depends on the type and location of tapeworm infections in the body. For severe infections or if tapeworms have attacked other parts of the body such as the brain, eyes, and liver, surgical procedures may be needed.

Prevent Spread

Getting used to washing hands with soap and water, before cooking and before eating, can help reduce the risk of tapeworm infection. In addition, some other things you can do are:
  • To turn off tapeworm eggs, freeze meat at a temperature of minus 35 degrees Celsius for 24 hours.
  • Consumption of meat and fish cooked until cooked, with the temperature in the meat of at least 65 degrees Celsius.
  • Wash off vegetables and fruit. If necessary, process the vegetables by boiling and cook until cooked.
  • Maintain personal hygiene and the environment by implementing clean and healthy living patterns (PHBS).
  • Take worm medicine every year to prevent infection and spread of worms.
  • If your pet has a tapeworm infection, make sure it is treated properly. Wherever possible, avoid direct contact during treatment.
Tapeworm infections often do not cause the typical symptoms that are realized. If you suspect a worm infection, consult your doctor for further examination and treatment.


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